01 mars 2024 | Articles

English Weather, News, Ski Report - March 1, 2024



Fresh snow on the pavements this morning, and it is still gently falling at 9.30.
Not a huge amount, but "little and often" is a good policy !
We are in for a warm and cloudy day.

At 09.30 the temperature is
+1° in the Village.
-3° on Solaise.
-8° on Pisaillas

The maximum temperature will be plus +2° at 2000 metres.


No problems are expected on the roads in the village if your car is properly equipped, particularly if you have winter tyres.


All of our many lifts and vast number of pistes are open except for the Tunnel piste in Le Fornet.
The pistes are in great condition and most were groomed overnight.
Those not groomed are :


  • Fôret


  • S
  • Marmottons
  • 3000
  • Glaciers


  • Epaule du Charvet

The Santons and the L are likely to close early
due to a high risk of avalanche, especially on this warm, humid day.

The Boarder Cross and Snow Park may close if the visibility threatens your safety.

Don't annoy our ski patrollers by skiing down a closed run.

Tignes can be accessed via the
Tommeuses or Borsat chairlifts.

The avalanche risk today is again 3 out of 5.

If you are tempted to ski off piste choose your ski pals based on their mountain, rather than social, skills.

The ski patrol would appreciate you also considering them when choosing your route.
They have to put their lives at risk, rescuing you,
if things "go wrong"
however stupid your plan was.

A recent rescue, late in the day, from a steep gulley, springs to mind.
We hope that the skiers involved were suitably humble and extremely grateful.

Huge thanks, once again, to our talented ski patrollers.

All our walking paths and cross county tracks are open, apart from les Branges.


A quick look at this weekend's traffic, the last change-over of these French holidays,
leaving us with only one French "zone" here until they also head back to school next weekend.
72,000 vehicles are approaching, with 8,000 more heading downhill
between now and Sunday evening.
The roads will be much better than the last two Saturdays,
For those going home, it is likely to be busy
from 16.00 this afternoon
Saturday, very early until lunchtime,
Sunday between
10.00 - 13.00
Coming up hill will be relatively easy, and only expected to be slow moving
on Saturday, particularly
from 08.00 - 13.00 and after 20.00.

Yesterday the Masters Students from the University of Savoie Mont Blanc
attracted a large audiance eager to hear their suggestions for the Iseran Pass.
The aim of their project was to combine and enhance the competing challenges of
protecting the environmental and historical features with tourism.

Their proposals included

  • A lift from Le Fornet, so visitors can access the pass without needing a car.
  • Events where the road is shut to motor vehicles so cyclists can roll freely.
  • Jointly requesting with Bonneval that the site becomes officially protected.
  • Taking advantage of the clear, pure night sky by opening an observatory.

These are their well researched ideas,
but it is now up to the “authorities” in both Val d Isere and Bonneval to act on them !

The Avaline Trax ski mountaineering race was fully subscribed last night,
so 120 keen and superfit skiers zipped up the 500 vertical metres of the Brinzei touring track followed by a small detour on Tommeuse.

It took the fastest man  just 28 minutes and 50 seconds,
and speediest lady 36 minutes and 17 seconds.

After the uphill race, onto a sleek downhill !
220 instructors from the French Ski School (ESF) took part in the
Torchlight Descent on the Face de Bellevarde, watched by a crowd of about 3000.
Fireworks came from two directions, and Dick’s laser lit up the mountain.
This was the last torchlight descent on the Face de Bellevarde this winter.

Next Tuesday the Daille will be in the spotlight,
with the illuminated snake lighting up the OK,
along with a StarWars themed display quirkly titled
“The Return of the Je-Daille”.
This spectacle will include Fireworks, DJs and dancers.

Today's Events

Dynastar Trophy:

This race is open to all holidaymakers, and only to holidaymakers
(not pro or semi pro skiers who happen to be here on holiday),
who want to discover the pleasures of competiting
in a parallel slalom on the Savonnette slope.
The are three categories: children, women and men.
The winners of each category will receive a prize from Dynastar.
A pair of skis to be won in the draw for the men's and women's competitions.
It is free to enter but places are limited,
and there are a lot of competitive holidaymakers here at the moment,
so if you want to experience the thrill of racing don’t hang around –
get to the Club de Sports office to register ASAP.

Why not go to our comfy cinema in the Maison de Val.
to watch the new Dune in English.
For those that don't know it is a sequel to Dune, an American Epic Science Fiction
and is directed by Denis Villeneuve.

Bons plans

From 19.00
"Evening at 2512 metres"

at la Plage de l’Ouillette Restaurant on the top of Solaise.
You must phone to reserve a table for yourself and your friends.
Don’t forget to get the Solaise Bubble Lift by 20.00.
Going up and down in the bubble lift at night, overlooking the lights of Val d’Isère
is fun in itself, let alone the tasty food, drink, chat and laughter in between.
Restaurant Ouillette Val d'Isère

The Etincelle Restaurant on the nursery slope is open this evening.
Beautiful location, delicious food.
To share with your Family and friends.

L'Etincelle Restaurant

Free Public Transport

The red shuttle bus (‘le train rouge’) runs between La Daille and Le Fornet, via the roundabout adjacent to the nursery slopes (‘Rond-point des pistes’) every 6 minutes from 07.00 to 20.00 and then every 20 minutes until 02.00.
The blue shuttle bus (‘le train bleu’) travels between the Rond-point des pistes and Legettaz every 15 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.
The yellow shuttle bus (‘le train jaune’) takes you to the Manchet valley via the main street and the rue de la Balme every 20 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.
The shuttle bus between Val d’Isère and Tignes does 6 round trips a day.

  • Leaving La Daille at 07.55, 08.35 and 10.50 in the morning and 16.25, 17.25 and 18.20 pm in the afternoon.
  • Leaving Tignes 1800 at 8.05, 8.45 and 11.00, in the morning and 16.35, 17.35 and 18.30 in the afternoon.
Opening times

The Swimming Pool and Sports Centre is open from 10.00 to 21.00.
The Ice-Skating Rink is open from 14.00 to 20.00.
The Tourist Office is open from 08.30 to 19.30.
The Multimedia Library is open from 14.00 to 18.00.
The Town Hall (La Mairie) is open from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
The Association for Employees in Val d’Isère (Vie Val Dis) is open from 15.00 to 18.00.
The Reservation Centre (On the Lower Ground Floor of the Tourist Office) is open from 08.30 to 19.00.

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