02 février 2025 | Articles

English Weather, News, and Events - FEBRUARY 2, 2025



Fog in the valley, but we are all looking forward to a sunny ski up here !
Not much wind to whine about.
Only a gentle breeze from the East at our peaks.

At 9.30 the temperature is

  • -4° in the Village.
  • -4° on Bellevarde.
  • -6° on Pisaillas.

The maximum temperature at 2000 metres will be 0°


There are still problems on the roads approaching yesterdays  rock fall in Moutiers.
Please drive safely, with a big dollop of patience.


For the most up-to-date information please click here.

Here are the highlights of the ski report.

Another great day to be skiing in Val.
Sun, snow and beautifully groomed slopes.
98% is open.

The few exceptions :
the 3000 on Solaise
and the broken Signal draglift in le Fornet.

The Santons and L are gulleys with slabs hanging  above them.
They may close if the ski patrollers are worried that
an avalanche could fill them.
Don’t be there if it does.
Never ski on a closed piste.


Only the 3000 is closed.


Only Tunnel and Signal are closed.
The Foret is never groomed.


They are working on the Cascade piste.
Opening a piste for the first time in a season is more complicated than you might think !
It may open later today or tomorrow.

The avalanche risk today is 3 out of 5.
Most bad accidents occur on a 3 out of 5 day.

The risk today is higher as yesterday’s wind moved snow around
causing dangerous slabs, that may move with you on it.

If you fancy skiing off piste, look carefully at your companions.
Any use if things go wrong ?
Do they all have at least beep, probe and shovel and
know how to use them ?
Airbags are also nice….as long as you pull the handle in time.
When did they last practice ? This year ?
Any doubts ? Stay on piste,
Or book to ski with, and learn from a mountain guide.

If you are going to Tignes
use the Tommeuse or  Borsat chairlifts.

There are tracks prepared for cross country enthusiasts
in the Manchet valley and Lac Ouillette.
unusually they have made the special cross country grooves at the Lac Ouillette.

Walkers can enjoy all our walking tracks.
It would be a lovely day to take the lift up and enjoy the
Views and tracks on top of Solaise and Le Fornet.


Val is lucky to have 100 ski patrollers who want you all to enjoy your holiday,
but they have already helped more than 600 people down, this season.
So, after speaking to our head pisteur, Cédric Bonnevie, we have a few top tips.

If you need help please phone the pisteurs directly, not the universal help number.
Their number +33 4 79 06 02 10 is also on the back of your ski pass.
Why not put it into your phone now, and include the +33 for France.

Are you insured ? If not, you can get insurance for as little as 3.3 euros a day from the lift pass office.
If you are insured – Look carefully at your policy, particularly if it is linked to your bank card.
Does it cover skiing ? Let alone off piste ?
This is any area outside of marked pistes, even a short distance between pistes.
Even just a metre or two…
Don’t rely on your friends dragging you back onto the piste, with a broken spine.
What is the limit of your cover ?
Helicopters…..we are talking 80 euros, plus tax, per minute, from when they leave home.
So think, 4000, 8000 euros………

Imagine you are skiing along, sunshine, beautiful snow.
Enjoying the turns, the speed……
You come to a roll.
Could you STOP if there was a small child?
If you can’t STOP quickly, you are skiing too fast.
Always ski in control.
Remember that the person approaching, from higher up the mountain,
Is ALWAYS responsible for avoiding anyone below.
Even if the person lower down is skiing  erratically.

While talking about skill level……..
We have an amazing choice of pistes……and lifts……..
If you struggle on a green run, don’t then tackle a red or black.
Even if your more experienced, or reckless friends try to persuade you.
It is very sad if you fall and injure yourself, but
Criminal if you injure someone else.
It is also not much fun being wobbly and scared when out of your depth.
We do have plenty of instructors here in Val….
Why not let your friends do “whatever” while you have a lesson ?
Never forget that Val’s blacks are trickier than in most resorts.

Since the beginning of this season, the pisteurs have been involved in 6 rescues following avalanches.

There is never ‘zero risk’ off piste.
Don’t follow tracks unless made by your mountain guide.
Even 60 in the same direction may take you over a cliff, into a hole…
Onto a moving slab.
The person who made them may have had a parachute.

Care where you go, even if it was absolutely fabulous last year….
Or two hours ago…
So many variables :
North or south facing
Quality of the snow
Time of day

Spread out when skiing off piste.
Ski a steep slope one by one to limit the weight on the snow.

NEVER ski off piste without
At least an avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel.
Know how to use them.
Practice regularly.

Last Wednesday there was a large slide, plenty big enough to bury someone.
There was a track into it, but no obvious track out.
Pisteurs and dogs searched and probed the area,
remembering the 2 who died recently, on Cugnai,
did not have beeps.
After 2 hours someone came and said they had set off this avalanche,
and knew there was nobody buried….
Please always call the pisteurs if you have been in or near an avalanche,
even if nobody has been injured.

Never forget that the pisteurs put lives at risk rescuing people.

A full avalanche risk report published daily includes :
Recent weather, exposed slopes, details of potential risks either here or on their way….
Confused ? Ski with a professional.
You may learn how little you know !

Not skiing downhill or boarding ?
Please don’t feel complacent if cross country skiing, walking or on snowshoes.
The avalanche risk is still there.
If the tracks have been closed by our experts, go elsewhere.

A French man is still counting his lucky stars after spending a very long time
under an avalanche in les Sources Jan 2021.

“Summer paths”…….It is in the name……..They are not winter pistes…..
So are not marked “open” or “closed”.
Just because your map calls it the GR5, doesn’t mean it is safe.
Don’t go there in winter !
This includes the Balcon between le Fornet and le Cret.
Steep + new snow + slabs = dangerous.

Crossing slopes on snow shoes ?
Same rules as skiing off piste.
Be properly equipped and spread out.

But 90% of rescues are for non-life threating injuries.
47% knees, 14% shoulders.
Though still serious if it is your knee or shoulder !

Some people believed that a covered “blood wagon”,
as the pisteur sledges are affectionately known
always contained a dead body.
They are covered to keep the person cosy,
stop the snow going in as they are whizzed to safety !


17.00 – 18.30

Why not try
“Fat bike”.
Electric bike with Fat tyres.
A short ride, on the snow, with someone to give you tips.
The test area is opposite the swimming pool and sports centre.
You must bring a helmet and gloves, be more than 1.5 metre tall,
and if under 16 you need to bring a parent.
This test ride is free.

Mass will be celebrated in our Baroque church in the old village.

There is a climate change documentary “Once you know” in the cinema
With the director Emmanuel Cappellin there to answer your questions.
This will all be in French.
Entry is only 4.5 euros.

A message from our partner

A message from our partners at the supermarket les Halles de Val.
Come and celebrate Chinese New Year !
You can’t miss the Butchers Bunch
As they will be in fancy dress…..
offering a wide range of Asian delicacies to
tantalise your tastebuds and
pique your curiosity.
So if Asian Flavours are your thing  
nip along to les Halles de Val.

Free public transport

Free local Buses

The red shuttle bus (‘le train rouge’) runs between La Daille and Le Fornet, via the roundabout adjacent to the nursery slopes (‘Rond-point des pistes’)
It leaves la Daille every 10 minutes from 07.00 to 19.50 and then every 20 minutes until 02.10.  
The night bus leaves Le Fornet at 20.10 then every 20 minutes until 2.30.

The blue shuttle bus (‘le train bleu’) travels between the Rond-point des pistes and Legettaz every 15 minutes from 08.30 to 23.00.

The yellow shuttle bus (‘le train jaune’) takes you to the Manchet valley via the main street and the rue de la Balme and Rond Point des pistes every 20 minutes from 08.30 to 23.20.

The Purple shuttle bus between Val d’Isère and Tignes : leaves the new bus station at La Daille at
07.55 8.35 10.50 16.25 17.25 18.20.  
On request it will stop at La Reculaz and Villaret du Nial.
It leaves Tignes 1800 at 08.05 8.45 11.00 16.35 17.35 and 18.30.

Opening Times


The Multimedia Library is open from 14.00 to 18.00.

The Association for Employees in Val d’Isère (Vie Val Dis) is closed.

The Town Hall (La Mairie) is closed

The Reservation Centre (On the Lower Ground Floor of the Tourist Office) is open from 09.00 – 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.  .

The Tourist Office is open from 08.30 to 19.30.

The Swimming Pool and Sports Centre is open from 07.30 to 21.00.

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