29 mars 2024 10122017-attila

English Weather, News, Ski Report - March 29, 2024

WEATHER A dull, cloudy morning, but clearer skies are promised for this afternoon.We may have some snow landing on the slopes but we have windy peaks.The spring like temperatures at 10.30 are +7° in t... Lire la suite
29 mars 2024 10122017-attila

Les infos avalines du 29 mars 2024

Après les quelques centimètres carrés de ciel bleu entraperçu brièvement hier soir, la grisaille est revenue en force dans notre ciel. Les températures sont printanières, largement positives au lever ... Lire la suite
28 mars 2024 28032024-p2055781

English Weather, News, Ski Report - March 28, 2024

WEATHER It is snowing down to 1000 metres ! Nice big flakes in the village, falling straight down,but the clever weather scientists at Meteo France tell us that we will have clear skies and sunshine l... Lire la suite
28 mars 2024 27032024-p2944666

Les infos avalines du 28 mars 2024

Le ciel restait gris ce matin, mais le vent est calme, en station comme en altitude, les précipitations absentes et la couche nuageuse assez haute pour nous permettre de voir les sommets, aux standard... Lire la suite
27 mars 2024 26032024-p2944485

English Weather, News, Ski Report - March 27, 2024

WEATHER Bit of a dull cloudy day, more Autumnal than Spring.Though, it might brighten up just as you finish skiing this afternoon.There are tiny snow flakes are being tossed around by wind in the vill... Lire la suite
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